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A uterine tumor is an unusual cell growth in the uterus. Tumors in the uterus can be benign or malignant. Benign tumors, such as uterine fibroids, are common and typically don’t spread outside the uterus. On the other hand, malignant tumors, like uterine cancers including the most prevalent form, endometrial carcinoma, have the potential to grow and metastasize to other body parts.


Diagnosing a uterine tumor often starts with a detailed gynecological check-up. An ultrasound is usually the initial diagnostic tool if a tumor is suspected, as it can reveal the uterus’s structure and any unusual growths. An endometrial biopsy, involving the collection of a small tissue sample from the uterus, can determine the presence of cancer cells. For assessing the stage of a malignant tumor, further imaging techniques such as MRI or CT scans may be employed.


Treatment for uterine tumors varies based on the tumor’s type and stage and the patient’s overall health. Benign tumors like fibroids might only require observation, medication to adjust hormone levels, or surgery to remove them. Treatment for malignant uterine tumors is more complex, often involving the surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy). This may be complemented with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy, tailored to the tumor’s specific features and the patient’s requirements.