Adult care
General surgery
General surgery is a branch of medicine primarily focused on treating the organs within the abdominal cavity, which includes the intestines, colon, liver, esophagus, pancreas, and gallbladder, in addition to the thorax and thyroid gland. The general surgery division at Sava Memorial Hospital covers a wide range of services, including endocrine surgery, colorectal surgery, breast surgery, and surgeries involving the skin and soft tissues.
Sava Memorial Hospital's general surgery department is renowned for its outstanding team of specialists. Among them stands Prof. Dr. Tomislav Ranđelović, an internationally recognized expert in the surgical treatment of stomach and esophageal conditions, who also has an extensive background in teaching at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade.
Colorectal surgery, which focuses on conditions affecting the colon, anus, and rectum, is a highly specialized field within general surgery. The head colorectal surgeon, Dr. Dejan Jovanović, is a distinguished member of the surgical community, having trained at the First Surgical Clinic in Belgrade. Now part of our team, he plays a crucial role in helping numerous patients identify potential health issues early on through preventive colonoscopic screenings. Thanks to advancements in medical technology, surgeries in this area are predominantly minimally invasive, performed using laparoscopy, laser techniques, or other innovative methods that ensure patients recover quickly, often within a day.
Endocrine surgery addresses disorders of the thyroid, thoracic, and adrenal glands. Thyroid conditions are particularly prevalent and affect both genders, though they are more common in women. Beyond standard hormonal imbalances, which can be managed with medication, our patients also face challenges with benign and malignant tumors and cysts.
Our hospital features a dedicated team of oncological and general surgeons, led by Dr. Neven Jokić, who specialize in a broad spectrum of breast surgeries. Their expertise ranges from treating breast cancer to performing cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries, ensuring comprehensive care for our patients.
- Podvezivanje hemoroida gumicama
- Sklerozacija hemoroida
- Male intervencije u lokalnoj anesteziji
- Previjanje rane
- Ugradnja sfinktera, sa sfinkterom
- Operacija štitne zlezde
- Operacija paraštitastih zlezda
- Operacija štitne žlezde sa disekcijom limfnih žlezda vrata
- Operacija nadbubrega laparaskopski
- Zatvaranje kolostome
- Zatvaranje ileostome
- Ugradnja sfinktera
- Ingvinalna kila-laparaskopska
- Ingvinalna kila-klasično
- Operacija žučne kese- laparaskopski
- Incizija perianalnog abscesa u OA/i.v.anesteziji
- Incizija ishiorectalnog abscesa u OET an.
- Operacija hemoroida klasično- Milligan-Morgan
- Operacija hemoroida - THD
- Operacija hemoroida- Trilogy
- Operacija hemoroida LHP
- Uklanjanje analnih i perianalnih kondiloma u OAT / I.V. an.
- Operacija analne fisure u OAT/ I.V. an.
- Analna fistula sa setonom
- Operacija perianalne fistule laserom-Filac
- Pilonidalni sinus u OAT an.
- Ekscizija lipoma/ higroma u I.V an./ regionalnoj an.
- Incizija abscesa na telu- I.V an.
- Mortonov neurom
- Operacija žučne kese - klasično
- Parcijalna resekcija uraslog nokta- lokalna
- Skidanje polipa kod gastroskopije ili kolonoskopije
Dr. Dejan Jovanović for Nedeljnik: Non-invasive Surgery for Colon Disease
Sava Memorial Hospital

Dr. Miljan Milanović first in Serbia to perform laparoscopic Whipple procedure for pancreatic cancer
Sava Memorial Hospital