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What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate, which can be acute or chronic. This condition can cause a range of symptoms, including pelvic pain, difficulty urinating, frequent urges to urinate, and pain during or after ejaculation. The causes of prostatitis vary and can include bacterial infections, injuries, stress, or immune system issues. Chronic prostatitis, which is more common, can be particularly frustrating due to its persistent nature and difficulty in treatment.


The diagnosis of prostatitis begins with a detailed discussion of the patient’s symptoms and medical history. The doctor may perform a physical examination, including a digital rectal exam, which allows assessment of the prostate’s condition. Additional tests may include urine analysis and prostate secretion analysis to determine the presence of infection, as well as ultrasound or CT scans to rule out other possible causes of symptoms. In some cases, a prostate biopsy may be recommended to exclude more serious conditions, such as prostate cancer.


The treatment of prostatitis depends on the cause. In cases of bacterial prostatitis, the standard treatment includes antibiotics, often in long-term regimens to completely eradicate the infection. For non-bacterial prostatitis, treatment can be more challenging and often involves a combination of therapies such as pain relief medications, alpha-blockers to relax the muscles in and around the prostate, and heat treatments. Physical therapy and counseling can also help alleviate symptoms. In severe cases or when standard therapies are ineffective, surgical intervention may be considered, although this is rare. It is important to note that chronic prostatitis requires a long-term approach to treatment, which may include lifestyle changes such as exercise and stress management techniques to help control symptoms.