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What is a Neurogenic bladder?

Neurogenic bladder is a condition that arises from issues with the nervous control of the urinary bladder, leading to difficulties with starting urination, frequency of urination, or uncontrollable leakage of urine. This can result from various conditions, such as spinal cord injuries, severe infections, or neurological diseases like multiple sclerosis. In this condition, the communication between the brain and the bladder is disrupted, making it challenging for the bladder to function normally.


Diagnosing a neurogenic bladder typically begins with a discussion about symptoms and the patient’s medical history. Various tests, such as urodynamic tests that assess how the bladder stores and releases urine, as well as ultrasound and cystoscopy, which provide a detailed examination of the bladder’s structure, are then performed. Accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective management of the condition and avoiding complications.

Surgical treatment- Bladder Augmentation

Bladder augmentation is a surgical procedure that can be applied to patients with a neurogenic bladder. This procedure involves using a piece of the intestine to increase the bladder’s capacity and improve its function. The surgery allows for better control over bladder emptying, reduces the risk of urinary tract infections, and improves the quality of life for patients. Postoperative recovery and management may include the need for catheterization and careful monitoring to ensure proper bladder function and avoid complications.