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What is Incontinence?

Incontinence in men refers to involuntary urine loss, a problem that can occur due to various factors, including complications after prostate surgery, neurological diseases, or weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. The condition varies in severity, from occasional drips to complete loss of control over urination, which can affect daily activities.


The diagnostic process for male incontinence includes a detailed examination of medical history and a physical examination. Specific diagnostic tests, such as urine tests, ultrasound, and urodynamic testing, can be used to assess the function of the lower urinary tract. These tests help identify the type of incontinence and leading causes, which is crucial for selecting the most effective treatment.


There are two advanced options for treating male incontinence. The sling procedure involves implanting a strip that supports the urethra, helping prevent involuntary urine flow. The strip is usually placed through a minimally invasive surgical procedure, aiming to improve urethral closure, especially during physical activities that increase intra-abdominal pressure.
An artificial sphincter is considered the “gold standard” for treating severe incontinence in men. This device mimics the function of the natural sphincter, allowing patients to manually control the flow of urine. It consists of three parts: a cuff placed around the urethra, a fluid reservoir placed in the abdominal cavity, and a pump located in the scrotum. By using the pump, the patient can control the pressure in the cuff, thereby opening and closing the urethra as needed.
Both treatments require careful preoperative evaluation and postoperative monitoring. The choice of method depends on the individual needs of the patient, the degree of incontinence, and the overall health condition. The effectiveness is regularly evaluated through monitoring symptoms and the patient’s quality of life.