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What is hydronephrosis?

Hydronephrosis is a condition characterized by the dilation of the renal pelvis, the area of the kidney where urine collects, resulting from an obstruction that prevents normal urine flow from the kidney into the ureter. This blockage can be caused by kidney stones, tumors, anatomical anomalies, or other diseases. If untreated, hydronephrosis can lead to pain, infections, and permanent kidney tissue damage.


Diagnostic procedures for hydronephrosis typically include ultrasound, which can effectively identify an enlargement of the renal pelvis. CT scanning or MRI may be used for a more detailed view of the kidney’s anatomy and surrounding structures to identify the causes of the obstruction. Intravenous urography is a method that involves injecting dye to more clearly visualize the kidneys, ureters, and bladder on X-ray images.


Laparoscopic pyeloplasty is a surgical procedure used to treat hydronephrosis when the cause of the blockage is at the renal pelvis or the point where the ureter exits the kidney. The procedure involves resecting the narrowed part of the ureter and reconstructing it to allow free flow of urine.
The benefits of laparoscopic pyeloplasty include being less invasive compared to traditional open surgeries, which results in less postoperative pain, shorter hospital stays, and quicker recovery.
Postoperative care may include temporarily placing a stent in the ureter to ensure that the reconstructed area remains open while it heals.
The choice of treatment depends on the cause of hydronephrosis, the size and location of the blockage, and the patient’s overall health condition. Laparoscopic pyeloplasty is usually very effective in removing the cause of the blockage and restoring normal kidney function.