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What is a bladder tumor?

A bladder tumor is a malignant growth of cells within the walls of the bladder, the organ that stores urine. This type of tumor can range from superficial, which does not penetrate deeply into the tissue, to invasive, which can penetrate deep into the bladder walls and spread to surrounding tissues. Common symptoms include blood in the urine, pain or burning during urination, and frequent urination urges.


Diagnosing a bladder tumor typically involves urinary cytology—analysis of urine that can detect the growth of abnormal cells. Cystoscopy allows detailed examination of the inside of the bladder, enabling direct visualization of the tumor and taking a biopsy for histological analysis. Ultrasound, CT scans, or MRI can help determine the extent of the tumor and whether it has spread beyond the bladder.


The treatment of bladder tumors depends on the stage and type of the tumor, as well as the patient’s overall health condition. There are two main surgical options:
Endoscopic excision: This method is usually used for non-invasive bladder tumors. The procedure involves using a cystoscope to access and remove the tumor with minimal invasiveness. The advantage of this method is a lower risk of complications and quicker recovery.
Laparoscopic cystectomy with intestinal bladder reconstruction: This procedure is used for invasive tumors and involves removing the entire bladder laparoscopically. After removing the bladder, reconstruction is performed using a part of the intestine to form a new bladder or some type of urine collection bag. This method allows complete tumor removal and reconstruction, which can provide patients with a better quality of life after surgery.