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What is a bladder stone?

A bladder stone, also known as a vesical calculus, is a formation of solid crystal deposits within the bladder. These stones can arise from various causes, including prolonged urinary stasis, urinary tract infections, or the presence of foreign bodies in the bladder. Typical symptoms include pain, frequent or difficult urination, and sometimes blood in the urine.


Various methods are used to diagnose bladder stones. Ultrasound is often used to visualize the stone. Cystoscopy, which involves a direct examination of the inside of the bladder using a cystoscope, allows not only for visualization of the stone but also its potential removal during the same procedure.


Laser lithotripsy for bladder stones, known as laser stone fragmentation, is an effective way to treat stones without the need for invasive surgery. The procedure involves inserting a cystoscope through the urethra to the bladder, where a laser is used to break the stone into smaller pieces that are then more easily expelled from the body naturally. This method is particularly beneficial because it minimizes the risk of complications and allows for a quick recovery. Treatment may require local or general anesthesia, depending on the size of the stone and the overall condition of the patient.