Milan Stajić
Plastic and reconstructive surgery specialist

Dr. Milan Stajić is a leading expert and one of the top reconstructive microsurgeons in the country. He completed his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade in 2005 and successfully finished his specialization in plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic medicine at the Institute for Orthopedic-Surgical Diseases “Banjica,” in the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Dr. Stajić’s extensive training included a period at the Military Medical Academy, under the tutelage of Prof. Dr. Jefta Kozarski, where he refined his expertise in the reconstructive surgery of the musculoskeletal system, with a particular focus on hand microsurgery covering both injuries and deformities. An active contributor to both local and international surgical communities, Dr. Stajić is also a sought-after consultant in the field of reconstructive surgery, recognized for his contributions across numerous healthcare systems nationwide.
Areas of expertise:
- Reconstructive microsurgery of the hand
- Hand microsurgery (injuries and deformities)
- Degenerative conditions: post-traumatic arthritis and arthritis due to degenerative diseases
- Tenosynovitis
- Compressive neuropathies
- Professional consultation in reconstructive surgery
How this doctor can help:
Dr. Milan Stajić is an expert in treating a wide array of conditions related to hand injuries and deformities, offering the latest treatment options to his patients. His expertise particularly stands out in the field of precise microsurgical procedures, which require a high degree of skill. Dr. Stajić focuses on restoring both the function and appearance in cases of injuries, congenital deformities, and conditions that develop through life’s wear and tear or illnesses. He adopts a personalized approach for each patient, aiming for the best possible outcomes that allow patients to resume their everyday lives and activities without hindrance.
Professional philosophy and approach to patient care:
“Hand injuries account for a significant portion of all the injuries we see, making up about 25% of the total. The good news is that the majority of these are minor, and with timely and appropriate treatment, they usually don’t lead to long-lasting issues. Nonetheless, delaying treatment or receiving inadequate care can lead to severe complications, a long and uncertain recovery process, and potentially permanent damage. It’s crucial to realize that ‘a small injury to a small bone can create a big problem.’ This is particularly true for bone injuries, but soft tissue injuries, including damage to ligaments, tendons, and nerves, are just as significant, if not more so.
It’s worrying that many people only recognize the importance of these issues after experiencing an injury themselves. By then, delaying diagnosis and treatment can mean the loss of valuable time. A common mistake is to avoid seeking expert advice, often influenced by advice like ‘it’s better not to do anything, lest it gets worse.’ Hand surgery is a highly specialized and constantly advancing field, meaning there’s hardly any condition that can’t be significantly improved or alleviated. Even issues that have been present for years can be addressed, though seeking medical advice immediately after an injury or at the first sign of symptoms is always advisable.
If you notice any deformities, experience reduced mobility or numbness in your fingers, or have injuries affecting your hand’s function, please reach out. In most cases, we can help you regain full functionality and minimize any lasting effects.”