Dejan Pličević
Nephrology specialist

Associate Professor Dr. Dejan Pličević, a nephrology specialist, has been a long-standing physician at the Military Medical Academy (VMA), in the Nephrology Clinic. He is an expert in kidney and adrenal gland diseases, with experience in highly specific procedures such as kidney transplantation. He heads the Department of Clinical Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation at the VMA and is an associate professor of internal medicine at the Medical Faculty of the University of Defence.
Dr. Pličević was appointed as the chief internist of the Serbian Army and head of the military hospital “Srbcon 2” in the United Nations peacekeeping mission “MINUSCA” in the Central African Republic in 2015 and 2017.
He is a member of the Serbian Association of Nephrologists and the European Renal Association – European Dialysis and Transplant Association. He has participated in numerous professional training courses both domestically and internationally and has authored and co-authored several professional articles in national and international journals.
Areas of Expertise:
- Iternal medical exams
- Nephrology consultations
- Nephrology follow-up for diabetics
- Ultrasound of the abdomen and urinary tract
- Urinary infections
- Kidney stones
- Kidney failure
- Inflammatory kidney diseases
- Kidney transplants
How this doctor can help:
Nephrologists play a crucial role in diagnosing and managing chronic kidney diseases that require ongoing monitoring, and they are vital when patients experience acute issues, such as kidney infections. If you or someone in your family is part of the growing number of people with diabetes, regular check-ups with a nephrologist may already be a routine part of your care. Nephrologists are essential for patients undergoing dialysis or awaiting organ transplantation. Many people also seek nephrologists’ help for kidney stones, looking for relief from this painful condition. Additionally, many patients with hypertension find that their high blood pressure is related to a kidney condition, so cardiologists often refer them to a nephrology specialist for further evaluation and treatment.
Professional philosophy and approach to patient care:
Oblast kojom se bavim, nefrologija, često me dovodi u vezu sa pacijentima koji imaju komplikovana stanja i neizvesne prognoze. Radeći na VMA, u sistemu koji je i medicinski i vojni istovremeno, angažujući se u vojnim bolnicama u UN misijama, naučio sam da je disciplina ključni faktor uspeha i to često govorim svojim pacijentima. To se posebno odnosi na one pacijente, a moji pacijenti su uglavnom takvi, koji moraju da promene životne navike da bi sebi pomogli. Redovne kontrole, samosvest o sopstvenom zdravlju i saradnja sa lekarom koji vas leči, to je ono što očekujem od svojih pacijenata.
“My field, nephrology, often involves working with patients who have complex conditions and uncertain prognoses. My experience at the Military Medical Academy and my involvement in UN mission military hospitals have taught me that discipline is a key success factor, a principle I frequently share with my patients. This is particularly true for those who need to change their lifestyle to improve their health. I expect my patients to have regular check-ups, be aware of their own health, and collaborate with their treating physician.”