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What are the potential complications after hypospadias surgery?

Hypospadias is a congenital anomaly of the position of the urethral opening on the penis. Surgical correction aims to address the fundamental issues, but complications such as stenosis (narrowing of the urethra), fistula (an abnormal passage that leads to urine leakage), diverticulum (protrusion of the urethral wall), residual curvature (remaining bend of the penis), or the need for additional skin correction can occur.


The diagnosis of complications after hypospadias surgery includes detailed clinical examinations and specialist analyses. A urologist may use urethroscopy to visualize the inside of the urethra and identify stenosis, diverticula, or fistulas. Ultrasound can be useful for assessing the tissues and structures of the penis, and in some cases, magnetic resonance imaging may be necessary. Monitoring symptoms by parents and regular medical examinations are crucial for early detection of these problems.


Treating complications after hypospadias surgery requires an individual approach and may include additional surgical interventions. Stenosis can be resolved through dilation or urethral reconstruction. Fistulas often require surgical closure. Diverticula can be surgically removed if they cause significant problems. Residual curvature may require further correction to improve function and aesthetic appearance of the penis. In some cases, skin correction might also be necessary, especially if there was inadequate tissue coverage after the initial surgery. Each intervention requires thorough planning and monitoring by a specialized urologist to ensure the best possible outcomes.