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What is Meatal Stenosis?

Meatal stenosis is a condition where there is a narrowing of the external opening of the urethra, which can hinder normal urination. This narrowing can lead to various symptoms, including a weak urine stream, difficulty starting urination, and a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying. Meatal stenosis can be congenital (present at birth) or acquired, as a result of injuries, medical procedures, or infections.


The diagnostic process for meatal stenosis typically includes a detailed discussion about symptoms and medical history, as well as a physical examination. A urologist may use various diagnostic tools, such as urethroscopy, which allows for a direct examination of the urethra using a special instrument. This confirms the diagnosis and determines the degree of narrowing.


The treatment for meatal stenosis depends on the cause, severity, and location of the narrowing. Dilation involves gradually widening the narrowed urethral opening with special instruments. This method can temporarily relieve symptoms, but there’s a possibility of re-narrowing. Urethrotomy is a surgical procedure where a special instrument is used inside the urethra to cut and expand the narrowed area. This can be an effective solution, but, as with dilation, there’s a risk of re-narrowing.
In more severe cases, reconstructive surgery may be necessary to restore normal urine flow. This may involve urethroplasty, a procedure that uses a tissue graft to widen the narrowed part of the urethra.
The choice of treatment depends on several factors, including the location and degree of narrowing, as well as the patient’s overall health condition. It’s important to discuss with a specialist the best treatment option that suits your needs and expectations.