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What is involuntary urination (incontinence) in women?

Involuntary urination or urinary incontinence in women is a common issue characterized by a loss of bladder control, resulting in the unintentional release of urine. This condition can be due to various factors, including stress urinary incontinence, where activities such as coughing, sneezing, or exercising trigger urine leakage, or urge incontinence, which is marked by a sudden, irresistible urge to urinate.


The diagnosis of urinary incontinence often begins with a detailed discussion about symptoms and medical history, and may include a physical examination. Additional testing can encompass a urination diary, urine tests, and urodynamic studies that assess the function of the bladder and urethra.


Several treatment options exist for urinary incontinence, depending on the type and severity of symptoms. One effective approach is the minisling procedure.

The minisling operation is a minimally invasive method specifically designed for treating urinary incontinence in women. This procedure involves placing a small, supportive sling around the urethra, thereby preventing involuntary urine leakage. What makes this surgery particularly appealing is its speed and efficiency: it is performed under local anesthesia, takes less than 10 minutes, and allows the patient to go home immediately after the first successful urination.

The success rate of the minisling procedure is particularly high in women with stress urinary incontinence, exceeding 95%. Although the success rate is somewhat lower in patients with symptoms of an overactive bladder, the minisling remains an exceptionally valuable treatment option for many women facing the challenges of urinary incontinence.

In addition to surgical interventions, treatment may also involve lifestyle changes, physical therapy, and specific exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles, as well as medication.