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Chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs) are recurring episodes of UTI, which can cause symptoms such as burning during urination, frequent and urgent need to urinate, lower abdominal pain, and sometimes presence of blood in the urine. For some women, these infections can become a regular occurrence, indicating possible underlying causes contributing to their frequency, such as structural anomalies of the urinary tract or bladder, changes associated with menopause, or immune system issues.


For women facing chronic UTIs, a crucial part of the diagnostic process may involve urodynamic testing. This type of testing provides detailed information about bladder and urethral function by measuring pressure within the bladder, bladder capacity, urine flow rate, and the bladder’s ability to contract and relax during urination. Urodynamic testing can help identify underlying bladder function problems, such as overactive bladder, weak bladder muscles, or other functional abnormalities that may contribute to recurring infections.


Based on the results of urodynamic testing, treatment can be tailored to specific bladder function issues. If an overactive bladder is identified as the cause of recurrent infections, treatment may involve medications that help relax bladder muscles and reduce the frequency of urgent urination. In cases where weak bladder muscles are a problem, physical therapy and pelvic floor muscle strengthening exercises, such as Kegel exercises, may be recommended to improve bladder function.
In some situations, modifying bladder emptying methods, such as through double voiding techniques or scheduled voiding, may be beneficial to ensure effective bladder emptying and reduce the possibility of urine retention that can promote infections.
For chronic urinary tract infections that cannot be easily controlled through standard treatments, it is important to thoroughly investigate potential bladder function issues through urodynamic testing. This allows doctors to develop targeted treatment strategies addressing specific causes, which can lead to more effective management of the condition and reduction in recurrent infections.