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What is bladder and sphincter trauma?

Bladder and sphincter trauma refers to injuries affecting the urinary bladder and the sphincter, the muscle that controls the flow of urine from the bladder. These injuries can result from physical impact, medical procedures, accidents, or violence. Traumas can range from minor, which may not require special treatment, to serious injuries that can cause internal bleeding, infections, or long-term problems with urine control.


The diagnostics for bladder and sphincter trauma include a detailed review of symptoms, medical history, and the circumstances under which the injury occurred. Common diagnostic procedures include ultrasound, cystography (an X-ray examination of the bladder after the injection of a contrast medium), and cystoscopy. These tests help assess the extent of the injury and determine the most effective treatment plan.


The treatment depends on the severity and type of injury. Milder traumas usually require conservative treatment methods, such as rest, intake of large amounts of fluids, and, if necessary, antibiotics to prevent infection. More severe injuries may require surgical intervention, especially if there is internal bleeding or if the injury has caused significant damage to the bladder or sphincter. Surgical options may include repair of the damaged tissue or, in more severe cases, reconstructive procedures to restore normal bladder and sphincter function. After treatment, patients are often recommended to undergo monitoring and rehabilitation to ensure the best possible recovery and return to normal activities.