What is excessive urination volume?
Excessive urination volume or polyuria is a condition in which a person feels the need to urinate frequently, often more than usual, without an increase in the total daily urine volume. This condition can result from various factors, including excessive fluid intake, diuretic use, anxiety, or medical conditions such as urinary tract infections, diabetes, or an overactive bladder. Although polyuria itself is not a disease, it is often a symptom or sign of another health issue.
To diagnose polyuria, it is important to conduct a thorough medical examination and discuss the patient’s symptoms and lifestyle habits. The doctor may request keeping a bladder diary to monitor the frequency of urination and urine volume. Additionally, urine and blood tests may be performed to rule out infections, diabetes, and other potential causes.
Treatment for polyuria depends on the underlying cause. If frequent urination is due to excessive fluid intake, advice may include simply reducing fluid intake, especially before bedtime, or avoiding caffeine and alcohol, which can exacerbate symptoms. In cases where polyuria is a symptom of a urinary tract infection or diabetes, treating these underlying conditions usually leads to symptom reduction.
In addition to specific treatments for underlying conditions, certain pelvic floor muscle strengthening exercises, such as Kegel exercises, may help improve bladder control and reduce urination frequency. Also, relaxation techniques and certain lifestyle changes, such as regulating fluid intake schedules, can contribute to symptom reduction.
In cases of an overactive bladder where there is no apparent underlying cause for frequent urination, the doctor may suggest certain medications that help relax bladder muscles and reduce the urgent need to urinate.