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A Skene’s gland cyst is an enlargement or blockage of one of the Skene’s glands, located near the urethral opening in women. These glands, also known as paraurethral glands, play a role in the lubrication of the urethral and vaginal areas. When the gland’s duct is blocked, secretions can accumulate, leading to the formation of a cyst. Skene’s gland cysts are usually painless, and many women may not even know they have them. However, in some cases, the cyst can become inflamed or infected, causing pain, difficulty urinating, or pain during sexual intercourse.


The diagnosis is usually made based on a physical examination. A gynecologist can detect the cyst during a routine check-up or when a patient reports symptoms indicating its presence.


The treatment for a Skene’s gland cyst depends on the symptoms and size of the cyst. In many cases, cysts that do not cause symptoms do not require treatment. When the cyst causes symptoms, such as pain or infection, antibiotics may be prescribed for the infection, and warm sitz baths may help to open the blocked duct.
In cases where conservative treatments do not provide relief or when the cyst becomes too large or recurs, surgical intervention may be necessary. Surgical removal of the cyst is usually done on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia. The surgeon carefully removes the cyst, reducing the risk of recurrence and alleviating symptoms.