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What are Urethral Condylomas?

Urethral Condylomas are genital warts inside the urethra—benign growths caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). These growths can affect the normal flow of urine and cause symptoms such as painful urination, frequent urges to urinate, and sometimes visible warts on the genitals. While warts are more common on the external genitals, they can also develop inside the urethra, making diagnosis and treatment somewhat more complex.


Diagnosing urethral condylomas  typically begins with an examination of symptoms. Urologists may use cystoscopy, a procedure in which a special instrument is inserted into the urethra to visualize internal growths. Additionally, tissue samples may be taken for a biopsy to confirm the presence of HPV and rule out other potentially serious changes such as tumors.


The treatment of urethral condylomas depends on their size, number, and exact location within the urethra. Warts can be surgically removed using various methods, including electrocautery, laser therapy, or traditional surgery. It’s important to note that, although treatment can remove existing warts, HPV remains in the body, meaning new warts can develop. Therefore, regular check-ups and monitoring by a doctor are crucial.